I've been a bit neglectful of this blog the past year and a half. It's not that I don't have topics to write about (I have 17 different preliminary sketches in my pending posts file!) Nor is it that I've not been doing any family research (my tree has doubled in size in the last year!) Some of it has been that the research I've been doing has been hit and miss and I've not really focused on one path in a while. Some of it is having other things occupy my time and keeping me busy and/or mentally wiped out. Still, you'd think 8 months into a global pandemic that has people staying home more than normal I could have found some time to work on a few blog posts. Mainly, I just haven't had the "creative spark" lately and not up to writing,
So, I'm going to try to start focusing on this blog a bit more and updating with my more recent discoveries. A few things I've found out in the past year or so:
- Who the mysterious "J. Manning" was and where my Mannings most likely come from.
- A discovery on John Murray's origins.
- The Belduke/Bolduc/Boulduc line back to the 16th century! (Most of the research has been done by my uncle who's been researching the Dwyer/Kenny side of my family for the last 25 years or so, but wow! it was a lot to add!)
- Another DNA update -- I'm 3% German!
I'm sure there are a few more, plus there are those pending posts I need to finish. More on my grandparents and cousins for example. So with the holiday season approaching, which is a time I always seem to fall back into my family history, I'm going to work on updating this blog a bit. The posts may not hit until after the new year, but I'm going to make a bigger effort than I have of late.
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