Tuesday, August 21, 2018

New Clues for the McDonoughs

Early in my research I sent off for a copy of my great-grandmother Bridget McDonough Murray's death certificate. I got a response back indicating the record couldn't be found. Then I discovered a copy of the California Death Index which included images of the index which had the death certificate number listed. I decided I'd try again once I got further on in my research and could mail in everything I needed. It took longer than I planned, but about a month ago I indeed sent off a request for Bridget's death certificate along with a print out of the CA Death Index page with her record highlighted. Hopefully, I'd have better luck this time.  Well, I did.

A few days ago I got an envelope in the mail from the California Department of Vital Records. As always, I got excited about what I might find in the envelope this time and I rushed inside with the mail and groceries to see what it was.  It was, of course, Bridget's death certificate. Finally.

It didn't really hold many surprises as I know when and where she was born and died and where she was subsequently buried. Learning her cause of death was helpful (pulmonary edema), but not of any major interest beyond adding to the various and sundry heart conditions that seem to run through both the Murray and Coleman branches of the family. I learned that her daughter Mary (Mollie) was also living with her and her two sons Marshall and Joseph which I had assumed but couldn't prove.

But the one big bit of information that I was hoping to find was there -- the names of Bridget's parents. I got half lucky I guess because her parents names are listed as Patrick and Mary McDonough. Drat, no maiden name for her mother to help narrow things down a bit further.

Learning Bridget's father's name, however, gives me further reason to investigate the Patrick McDonough I found living a few blocks from Bridget in the 1880 US Census. I may have to send off for his death certificate too, but for now I'm still searching on line resources to see if I can turn up anything of use.

Having this bit of information also makes me want to try to get Bridget and John Murray's marriage record again. I've hit a few stumbling blocks trying to get it over the years, so it's time to try again. I know it should exist, it's just a matter of getting to the record as it's not available on line. Rather frustrating.